Having been here a little over three months, I’m still getting used to a few things – slower life style, more fresh air, cooking at a higher elevation, etc. One thing that still makes me catch my breath like a kid at 4th of July: Animals. I’m talking about being woken at 3:30am because a bear is going through the trash; or looking out the window while making a cup of coffee to see a buck staring at you from 7 feet away; or driving down the road and being stared down by a coyote two lanes over; or humming birds dive bombing you as you try to grill because you’re standing too close to their feeder (seriously, humming birds are the douche bags of the avian world).
I love this little town.
I’m finally taking the time to start exploring Los Alamos and I decided to check out Fuller Lodge and its surroundings.
One of the benefits of being home during the day is being able to make dinner. Last night’s dinner came from two places: an arugula salad from Mark Bittman and barbecue chicken from Serious Eats.
Sourdough toast with chevre (soft goat cheese), tomato slices and avocado. Salt and pepper to taste.
by Salvador Zapien