A few months ago I cracked the screen on my iPhone 6 when I dropped it on the floor. Last night I fixed it and now I am the manliest man in my house. Originally I would have repaired the screen sooner but screens were around $200 and I didn’t want to spend the money. Last […]
Favorite photos I’ve shot on my iPhone and posted to Instagram. May 23rd – July 18th.
This week’s Friday night concert featured The Guy Forsyth Band, sponsored by the Los Alamos Daily Post. I showed up late and didn’t have my cameras with me so I used my iPhone and Instagram to take pics.
The Wednesday before Memorial Day, I flew back to LA to pick up my truck, see family and friends, and do a couple of photo shoots. The plan was to leave LA with my buddy Ricardo on the following Tuesday, drive up to Utah and see some national parks on the way back to Los […]
Hipstamatic pics from my iPhone since December. Older Hipstamatic pics (no longer updated).