» The personal website of Salvador Zapien

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Testing out the Fuji X100 point and shoot

Yesterday, I received an X100 from The X100 has a fixed 35mm f/2.0 lens, goes up to ISO 12800, shoots RAW, and comes in rangefinder format. I ordered it to put it through the paces and see how well the image quality holds up in low light situations. These are some quick shots I took after dinner. ISO 3200 and 6400 look like ISO 800 and 1600 on my Canon S90 point and shoot. More to come later.

f5.6, 1/2000s, ISO 3200

f5.6, 1/60s, ISO 3200

F2, 1/450s, ISO 3200

F2, 1/110s, ISO 3200

F2, 1/750s, ISO 3200

f2, 1/100s, ISO 6400

f2, 1/40s, ISO 6400

f2, 1/40s, ISO 6400

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